You always wanted more in life, but now you dont have the appetite 

soundinstallation and performance

Kontakte festival Akademie der Künste, Berlin 2019

Black box teater 2019 ( waiting for the sun)

Piksel, Bergen 2019

A performative installation for scanned scores of patterns from bark beetles found on trees in the polish forest Bialowieza. The scores are played by dismantled accordion-reeds, triggered by external air from a set of programmed mechanically run ventilation-fans and synths. The interpretation of the insect-patterns has become the material for a composition that seeks to simulate pop music love ballads from the early 90ties referencing Celine Dion and Robbie Williams. In tracing the love song the reading of these patterns aims to depict the story of a wounded forest. 

Composer and musician, concept, electronics,Camilla Vatne Barratt-Due

Design and programming,  Fredrik Olofsson

scanner design,Jo Grys

In partnership with Kotakte Festival Akademie der Künste

my private dancer

soundinstallation and performance

Kontakte Festival, Akademie der Künste 2018

Dismantled accordions put together to form a new structure

Played with an altered mechanical system using 

Air from air compressor, solenoids, raspberry pi, SuperCollider

Akademi der Künste 2917

Piksel Festival, Bergen 2017

Algomech, Millenium Gallery 2017

Developed together with 

Aleksandra Cardenas

Fredrik Olofsson

Jo Grys

supperted by the norwegian art council 

Respire Tune



Kontakte Festival, Akademie der Künste 2017

Dismantled accordions put on model-train-tracks

air from ventilationfans.

Played with arduinos

Developed together with 

Aleksandra Cardenas

Fredrik Olofsson

Jo Grys

Weltmeisters Bass


Master-presentation.- SoundStudies Universität der Künste 2017

Dismantled accordions 


live coding

Developed in colaboration with 

Aleksandra Cardenas

Fredrik Olofsson